Catherine Wassell is studying a Masters in Special Education - Autism
(Children) and is no stranger to start-up life, running three businesses. This
blog focuses on her latest business idea called Teen Calm which
has been inspired by her 15 year old daughter and aims to offer a calming
influence for teenagers and affected by the anxieties of modern living.
'Teen Calm is a brave new subscription box filled with passion and purpose. We aim to show every teenager out there that they’re not alone. Teen Calm is here to encourage self-care, lift spirits, build confidence, and bring a rainbow of colour to your teen’s life.'
Catherine: Each subscription box from Teen Calm will provide a warm, welcoming, safe space where teenagers can establish a self-care routine, learn how to self-regulate, introduce calmness into their lives, enjoy a hefty serving of happiness and self-love, and even rediscover their lost confidence by finding their tribe.
Teen Calm is designed with affordability and accessibility in mind and the dream is to give teenagers all around the world a feeling of belonging and something to look forward to.
Teen Calm was the brainchild of my 15 year old daughter who was diagnosed autistic amid a massive mental health crisis when she was 13, and it’s run entirely from our home in the Midlands. The aim of Teen Calm is to help young adults develop a routine that builds self-regulation skills so they can cope with those annoying doubts and insecurities that sometimes have us all feeling down about ourselves.
When I first started to join Facebook groups to learn more about our
situation, I discovered there were many families around the country just like
us, but that everyone felt like they were alone. Teen Calm is coming up to a year old now and we're needing to start to think
about moving out of the spare room.
I underestimate how long it takes (and how much fun it is!) to select
the different products for the box each month. I try to source handmade
products and those from neurodiverse makers, but it is not always easy. Packing
all those boxes and taking them to the Post Office is no easy task but it is
great to see the boxes going out and reading positive reviews and the unboxing
videos we receive.
At Teen Calm we eventually hope to be in a position to offer employment to neurodiverse young people.
Visit the Teen Calm website here

With thanks to Catherine Wassell
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